OCR text
Ml ROYAL one 7 aaa | 0277477 Il HERB. HORT. EDINB. Chidemin Htrigillosa buy) De, J t. ZAGoodwin 2H FLORA OF BELIZE No. R. 6616 lidemia c. loxiploma Gchlec-. ) 7 oF novémneryia (DC-) Thang Vernacular name: Stann Creek District. All Pines, c. 2 km from beach, c.16°48’N 88°18’W, On the margin of a copse. Soft shrub, 1.5m tall. grape colour, Dek: H.A.8isseb ¢ Ripe fruits black S.A. £atter. 10-}- 1492. Date: 30 7 1991 Coblu: J cA, Ratter, H.A. coll. Bisset & S.G.M. Bridgewater ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH copyright reserved M@Q0327
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