OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN | | EDINBURGH Mil 00315607 | | | is IISSV19 BED HELIA @ S me x-rite cole 4 Es OTL Mm ao] cy Pd ess cy n 2 — co og be Si a ° oO Massey University Metallophyte Herbarium Metallophyte Flora of Australia Family: Boraginaceae Name: Echium plantagineum L. Locality: South Australia, Williamstown; 354 m; 34° 41.50' S, 138° 54.12'E Habitat: Hillslope and plateau, site of former copper mining Collectors/No.: R.D. Reeves 2521, E. Lombi & R. Hamon Date: 25 November 2002 Det.: M. O'Leary, 2003
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet