OCR text
— HERB. HORT. EDINB. FLORA OF THAILAND [ez Herbarium, Faculty of Pharmacy, Chiang Mai University Chiang Mai, Thailand IN LIQUID COLLECTION FAMILY: C&C cDDACEAE —— OrrrnoraNamE, ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN oN f 00315597 BOTANICAL NAME; xtbogonium gracile Idl. Province: CHIANG MAL District; Muang Location: Bol Sutep, below Puping alace Elevation: 1300 m. Date: 31 October 1987 Habitat; sbaded places, on the ground in the deciduous forest, granite bedrock pseudsbulbs subglobosesurceolate, pale lignt greenish, ce 1.5 x 1.5 om; Notes: peduncle pale greenish, inflorescence part and pedicels purplish; bracts parole; corolla tube, spur lilacewrit.sh to purple, lip and colwm violet OR midlobe of lip wiitisa with yurple blots, sidelubes with purple dots; operculum light yellowish} blades lishtgreen underneath, green above Collected By: J.F Maxwell Number: ston ae duplicates: ‘
HERB. HORT. EDINB. or RS SS le) fe) me Approbavit "W1/2004 H .Kur2wej] GinG) copyright reserved ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN | EDINBURGH | | # E00315597 Scanned 2009 |
HERB. HORT. EDINB. Approbavit "“W1/2004 H .Kurzwej] SING) 4 FLORA OF THAILAND Herbarium, Faculty of Pharmacy, Chiang Mai University Chiang Mai, Thailand IN LIQUID COLLECTION ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN | EDINBURGH | # FAMILY: C&C CDACEAE BOTANICAL NAME: Satbogonium gracile 141. IN | 00315597 Scanned . i 2009 . AE eae le ‘ : ie Provinces. eee > District; Muang | > ae ‘aly Location: Boi Suter, below Puping “als0e a | Elevation: 1300 m. Date: 32 October 1987 aa ee N Ne Habitat: sbaded places, on the ground in the deciduous forest, granite bedrock pseud»bulbs subglobosesurceol.tes pole light greenish, c. 1.5 x 1.5 om; Notes: peduncle pale greenish, inflorescence part and pedicels pirplish; bracts purple; corolla tibe, spur lilac-woit.sh te purple, lip and colum violet OR midlobe of lip Wiitish with purple blots, sidelubes with purple dots; operculum light yellowish; ae geht, nieraeath mi above blades Lishtgreen une: th, gree 87=13351 4 Collected By: J.F Maxwell Number: duplicates: CS 6 is yi i} copyright reserved
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet