OCR text
inti ra} ag ee O§ mm copyright reserved Massey University Metallophyte Herbarium Metallophyte Flora of Argentina ARGENTINA Cordoba Iggam Quarry, 10 km north of Alta Gracia. Ultramafic rocks associated with carbonates intruded into foliated gneiss. Quarry inte serpentinite hosting chromite. National Geographic Hi "Mercosur" Botanical Expedition - 4 Jan./Feb. 1994 31°37'S 64°30'wW 35 m Herb, 12 cms flowers Mauve. 19 January 1996 / ih Robert R. Brooks, oO | Gaede & G, Hueyo MSié60 MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN HERBARIUM (MO) E00314558
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet