OCR text
Hig@@B. HORT. EDINB. ier 44 <zug ear eae eer Enel! copyright reserved FLORA OF BELIZE No. R. 5168 bet. Jv, Wurdock 3/1997 Mieonta Conotteria icocandralSu.Urban Mountain Pine Ridge’ 17°03'N 88°66'W, alt. 400-600 m, on main road to Augustine, Cayo Distr. In understorey of Pinus caribaea woodland. Shrub, 1m tall. Petals waxy white, anthers yellow, style & stigma resembling those of Pyrola. In a rather ‘ericoid' area of under. storey dominated by Hypericum sp. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN 45 EDINBUR' R5615 - Date. 46 8 1986 WM A ce eve E00277455 ll
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