OCR text
rostaphs lan alli cola Orrnearel Sp-rov. | HOLOTYPE of Aggoaem ginal lun. otic. Qconerod.. HERB, HORT. EDINB. 0 Arapet- 928 30(€), Ine. Qeencaoun AAU) VFB... (2012). HARVARD UNIVERSITY HERBARIAZ2.0¥.000l/ L AB TTNOOINNU NNONIONIN ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH copyright reserved Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh/Trekforce Expediti trian Jaya 1382 a No. 92830 Date 26 October 1992 Name Agrostophylium uni Porm ScWlv. Collector M. Mendum & G. Argent Locality Track from Mulalos to Habbema. Habitat On trackside in forest. Alt. SLOG mw: Jayapura IRIAN JAYA pee he Pe Rly central Highlands DTN Mae Notes Terrestrial. Flowers white with yellow spot near base of lip. Thele river “>= “Wanena 4 North Baliem ue “SSY River / Lake Habbema Pabilylo 2 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN i Stace Se FA vy EDINBURGH amena river ei 4 Mt Trikora a ree UMN : ha expedition sponcored by Haxbetdig Boyorsense an E00033014 Universiti Bandung eee oe 2 s
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