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4 | \ h tS ae Jayapura IRIAN JAYA “SY River,’ Lake Habbema Pabilylo Be b —_ / Wamena fiver ye a Mt Trikora / ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN TAU E00032951 HERB. HORT. EDINB. Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgt/Trekforce Expedition to Irian raya 9) a No. 92707 Date 16 October 1992 Name Bulbophyllum sp. muncolum T.Swdh Collector M. Mendum Locality Near Lake Habbema. Habitat Growing in moss under shrub in tussock in peat hog. Alt. 3100-3450 m. Notes Leaves dark green flushe rachis and flower yellow heavi maroon. d purplish, ly spotted An expedition sponsored by Herbarium B : Ogoriense Universiti Bandung ie 10 az ie) copyright reserved 3) om oO’ t ta] g g =
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