OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH | E00293877 FLORA OF CENTRAL KALIMANTAN No. 9374 Date: 5 February 1993 Name: cf. Alphonsia Collector: G. Argent & Amiril Saridan Locality: Km 56 from Sangai (S. Mentaya), Kab. Kotawaringin Timur, 1°29'S 112°31'E. Habitat: Hill dipterocarp forest. Alt. 50m Notes: Annonaceae. Tree to 8m, 9cm d.b.h., no buttresses or stilts. Bark smooth, grey brown. Underbark green, inner bark brown with radial streaks, wood pale brown. Flowers on twigs green becoming white as the tepals elongate, strongly and sweetly scented. Fibrous bark! ke) o 2} ca ® 7) a) a Pm = = a > 2 ° a) MQ00589
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