OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN | Destructive sampling rt LZOL4 Cultivated Plants Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN PAD NNO) Xe) sf 6 copyright reserved Ericaceae Rhododendron javanicum (Blume) Benn. ssp. cladotrichum (Sleumer) Argent Determined by: George C. Argent 18 SEP 2007 Living collection info.: Argent, G.C.G. No. 18 SEP 2007 Accession number & Qualifier:19913084*A Flowers orange with pink throat. Grown on from original wild collection: Argent, G.C.G. INDONESIA: Sumatra, N: Sumaboa: Medan/Berastagi road. Disturbed rain forest. Raised from seed. 1988
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet