OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Ou HL Type Specimen Coll, GEORGE FORREST ’ — 191 9 Alt. U—- 12 7 ae, —_— Locality plow. “fy Wn. *! er ebuns mn ee. liirie_de ; 6 oa hh. w \. at-., rex-YW-t-1-) ATC Thad . Myatt, ay / ot Pst § OLE A (IWS % - Ll J Al on Kuo Poh rab, — Sh - aff as 4 a Yellow fof roek. obs: be Ya ak, ti- s ‘ 4 - —_ Ryn Aner: 1VAOU BO Ses Ag Es om Ee oo ae aire ene i ieee etait i le
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