OCR text
HERB. HORT. EDINB. A EX HERBARIO KEWENSI BRAZIL: ESTADO DA BAHIA COASTAL ZONE DAQATYPUS qf Daliiwa. balienss P.fMaas 2 Westra Prec. Kou. Ned. Akad. Wetewsdh., HFC, 12(9) + B99. 1989 Q Mello -Selua Ke (4G R.M. HArLey, S.J. MAYO, R.M. SToRR, T.S. SANTOS, & R.S. PINHEIRO. in Harley No. { q Hy\ Field work sponsored by the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, and the Academia Brasileira de Ciéncias, and carried out with the collaboration of the Centro de Pesquisas do Cacau, Itabuna, Bahia, January-April, 1977. ~ Rollinia ca. 6 km. SW of It: small dam and hydroelectric gens river. South of the mouth of the Contas. Evergreen forest, and are on side road by wey + A\n wR baliensts disturbed ground. . s Lass a Westend H. Raine Alt. 0-100 m. Approx.39°03'W, 14° 19' S, Ray ; : J.M. & H. Maas 14 Feb 2020 Tree to 8m. Leaves coriaceous, bright green above, slightly blue with buff midrib and p cream with rusty indi brownish-cream. | als cream, both sets of tepals deep purple at base on inn surface. ‘Stamens cre beneath Flowers Cuter tepals er S dull crear ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN INI | | | hi ZL RM Harley 18451 283262 DINBURGH E00; " Meee322 | xo} oO e ® n 2 el <= = - > 2. ° oO
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