OCR text
\Y ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH ili | E00280415 FLORA OF BHUTAN ORCHIDACEAE Aerides multiflora Roxb. Description: Plant epiphytic; leaves imbricate, distichous, V- shaped (in section), 12cm long; inflorescence from leaf-base, densely many-flowered; sepals obovate, narrow at base, purple at top, white below; petals obovate, purple, white below; lip 3- lobed; lateral lobes broad truncate; mid-lobe triangular, apex rounded, purple with darker purple stripes; column white; fragrant Habitat: River bank on trunk of Fraxinus sp. Altitude: 600 m. Locality: Sarbhang, Mankhola Collector: Y. Dorji, N. Pearce & P. Cribb No.: 16 Date: 23/5/2000 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDENS KEW So ci) Pa i 0) n o fw ood oy = 7 es) 2 ° Oo MQe00493
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