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1s ASA) 19499Y91C Ne x-rite col ms tia <a5u See ei} Bae er Manon copyright reserved ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH CULTIVATED MATERIAL Zingiberaceae Martynov Amomum Roxb. Collector: Newman, M.F., Skornickova, J. Collection number: 2012 Collection date: 7 May 2007 Herb c. 1.5 m, leaves mid green. Bracts greenish-brown, with dark brown margin. Sepals and petals pinkish. Lip deep warm yellow with < red dots in the central part of labellum. Stamen pale yellow. Original collection locality: ASIA-TROPICAL: Indo-China: Thailand: Thailand: SOUTH-WESTERN: Phetchaburi: Kaeng Kra Chan National Park | General notes: RBGE accession number 20051592 A Additional material: Liquid collection (E) . ROYAL BOTANIC GARI DINBUR' nae wun 69874
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