OCR text
L TMU OOUA TOOT OOTLOTION copyright reserved Cultivated Plants Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh Griseliniaceae Griselinia jodinifolia (Griseb.) Taub. Determined by: Martin F. Gardner 4" July 2008 Living collection info.: RBGE Data Capture Project - Natacha Frachon No. 910 15-Apr-08 Accession number & Qualifier: 20030110*B Associated material: DNA sample (E); photograph (E). Grown on from original wild collection: Darwin Chilean Initiative (2002 - 2005) 569 CHILE: Regi6n VIII [Biobio], Provincia de Arauco, Cafiete, Road : ; from Antiguala to San Alfonso (km 18), near the Rio DEN BOTA RELEEE Caramavida. Primary forest on Steep slopes leading down to river with a grove of enormous trees of Gomortega keule ,485m. | | | Shrub to 2m; leaves pale green; fruits wine coloured. E00311757 7 February 2003.
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet