OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN INBURGH Ml RG! EDI E00. 44 12709: alec tte eteatie HERB. HORT. EDINB. Rhododendzon albrechtii Makin . Ae TX eK about Aton high vp Ag FER (AL os Be Bs 7k EET 4 Ye [uEB Baht about 1100 ---1448 ms. (( upper Yubiso-river )) labhicay SRARTS =u rte ee . Doai Minakami-machi totes h Pref. GUNMA (Prov. Koodzuke }) HONDO 29 Aug 1949 Coll. Miyoshi FURUSE No. 2/503 writer PLANTS OF JAPAN Nobuko Furuse xo} cl) = ke o 177) i ad = fo] = > 2. fe) [) MQ@QQ589
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