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Renee yBuAdoo "ROYAL I BOTANIC 2 GARDEN = MLN E00273208 Aloysia salvigl@a (Hook. & Arn.) Moldenke is the accepf ¢ name for Lippia chil’ is Schauer according 6 Zuloaga et al. (2008) Monogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard. 107 (3):3104 Adovg\ ae Sa\y ae. ¥ Ya\ ca \ ble PLANTAE CHILENSES No 74,3 Dr, E. Werdermann. apecia tecleuate Ahac, Prov. COQUIMBO Rivadavia Alt.ca. {Oo m. Me 192 3. Hleizke by i
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