OCR text
or = i) n @o S 4 oO a. ROYAL BOTANIC ° GARDEN OUR £00273196 fa P BD caaae Or rAQQnh, Fide Wadd ante p= \o \AGK onal xe Be io(y) — RAMA Glandularia origenes (Phil.) Schnack & Covas is the accepted name for Verbena origenes Phil. according to Zuloaga et al. (2008) Monogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard. 107 (3):3111 Plantae Chilenses Nr. JE a Dr. E. Werdermann Frov. Atacama Dep. Copiap6 Cord. Co. Pulido alt. ca. 3500 m I, 1926
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