OCR text
aie ES eh pat cathe te ies Bias ee si AND od tia ciate Rl alt ct bcc eS = aeee. | | ROYAL BOTANIC > GARDEN Junellia uniflora (Phil. ) Moldenke is the accepted name for Verbena uniflora Phil. according to Zuloaga et al. (2008) Monogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard. 107 (3):3118 Inn | t lies vigleer) 10 ] ) copyright reserved Ti 6 5 3. 4 yA Fi 0 cm p= _ PLANTAE CHILENSES Na £3/ Dr. E. Werdermann. Prov. COQUIMBO Banos del Toro, Alt. ca. ¥S7O m.” Soi Baa.
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet