OCR text
HERB. HORT. EDINB. FLORA OF SABAH | FOREST DEPARTMENT HERBARIUM, SANDAKAN So ® Pad i co n o = ond co D tS > a fe} oO No. JBS 225 Family; OLEACEAE Botanical Name: Chionanthus Vernacular name: Locality: Banggi, southeast of banggi hill. Habitat: Primary forest alt.: Note: Tree, 20 m tall, 30 cm diam. Bark reddish brown; inner bark reddish. Sapwood brown. Fruit green turning orange to red. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Collector: Sugau JB Date: 25 May 1996 EDINBURGH | \ | } New identification of this number should be sent to Forest lg 00264942 "i Department Herbarium, Sandakan, Sabah. (| Duplicates to: \¢tw, LE 1, \< =P Eby, sae, Mult
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