OCR text
HORT. EDINB. M@00589 xo] cy Pt + co 7) o - aad £ = be > a. ° oO ROYAL BOTANIC (lanl INBURGI Bi Flora of NE India EDI E00268281 Ericaceae Rhododendron concinnoides Hutch. & Kingdon-Ward INDIA: Arunachal Pradesh: Lohit District: Delei Valley, Station 416, Chumra Ridge. 3,000 m. 28°08'35"N, 96°26'41"E. Flowers narrowly campanulate, lobes forward, 2-2.5 cm, pink/purple, in trusses of 1-3; stamens 10; leaves ellpitic, acute, scaly on both surfaces, scales on lower surface of two colours; capsule 1.5-2 cm. Rushforth, K.D. No. 8402 29 Sep 2006 sa RE
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