OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Aporesa VK (Lina) Baw. a Neem \\ v 202) y FLORA OF LAO P.D.R. Euphorbiaceae Aporosa Blume Province: Khammouan: Nakai District, resettlement area 17° 4121" N 105° 12'41"E Altitude: 560 m Dry Dipterocarp forest with emergent Pinus merkusii to 25m high; soil sandy Tree to 6m, older bark deeply furrowed, leaves mid-green, fruit dehiscent, seed with yellow aril, pendulous from funicle. Coll. No: LAO 1129 Collector: Newman, M.F., Thomas, P., Amnstrong, KE, Sengdala, K., Lamxay, V. 19 May 2006 Darwin Initiative Project 163-13-007 Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh Forest Research Center, NAFRI, Lao P.D.R. National University of Lao P.D.R. IUCN, Lao P.D.R. RARWIN Please communicate any new identifications to the R ‘oyal i Edinburgh val Botanic Garden Meees564 10 fs) copyright reserved
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