OCR text
ee a a Eo Eee weeeE LL FLORA OF .......2255 FE ar eisicnsiccuacagine DISTRIBUTED FROM THE HERBARIUM BOTANIC GARDENS, SINGAPORE N° $543 SoBe No. BOPDT occ Date 1h September..1955 Name Stemonurus..scorpioides BecOe... uu. ‘ | Sinclair. & Kiah. be... Det. ....JS Be... Coll. de aap galich e —- Locality Beg. te Koala, erties (west si Habitat SWamp.. forest..LOAASLAE...W Alt. o.oo Notes SmalL..trees..12ft...highs. Leaves... coriaceous, dark dull green above, pale yellowish green beneath. Petals white, ROVAL BOTANIC GARDEN flower buds not yet open. lst record for A willl in fstrebame oe 10 copyright reserved oO’ 0 wn g eo g =
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