OCR text
Stemonuraceae Ludong S.31837 Gomphandra cf. cumingiana (Miers) Fern.-Vill Det. Melanie Schori (BHO) 2010 Examined for: A Systematic Revision of Gomphandra I. 28° SARAWAK FOREST DEPARTMENT Collector: Banyeng ak Lydongno; $.31837 Date: 8.10.71 Family: Icacinaceae Name: Gomphandra cuphingiana(Miers)F.-Vill. Det: J.A.R. Anderson Locality (See overleaf): Bukit Kala, Long Melinau Paku, Tutoh, Baram District. ae Limestone hill with large limestone boulders, near Melinau river. Alt. 300 ft. Notes: Treelet, 5 ft. high. Corolla white. Distributed to: K.L.SING.E.A. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN When new determinations are made please inform the Forest l TT Botanist, Forest Department, Kuching, Sarawak, E 00260763 il M@Q0589 me] ® . ® n 4 a no 2) oa Pa) Qa ° oO
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