OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN HERB. HORT. EDINB. FLORA OF ae EUPHORBIACEAE Antidesma velutinosum Blume Det.: Peter van Welzen Trang: Wang Wiset District: Aotong subdistrict. Khao Pra Bang Khram Wildlife Sanctuary. Roi Chan Phan Wang Waterfall. 180 m altitude. 7.899° N, Oo Bia Dry evergreen forest on limestone. Tree 4 m tall. Leaves dark green above, paler beneath, reddish when young. Inflorescence green with dark red anthers. David Middleton, Stuart Lindsay, Kanlaya Pattarahirankanok & Sukontip Sirimongkol 4083 06 March 2006 FOREST HERBARIUM BANGKO kK ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN HERBARIUM Collected with financial support from the United Stat €s National Sc : f the Arnold Arboretum tence Foundation a of Harvard University ministered through se) o e ® r 2 Cm P D e roy 2) a)
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