OCR text
HERB. HORT. EDINB. Hepenlceny ee FF ke Vegel Wea Plants of Indonesia Orchidaceae Determined by: Locality: Borneo. W. Kalimantan. Serawai. Kaki Bk. Raya base camp; foothills SW of Bk. Raya. Lat.: O°) 1 39) 4127s Long.: 122339 org ee Habitat Alt. 1600 m Primary forest; Fagaceous and hill Dipterocarp forest, major associates include: Shorea, Dipterocarpus, Lithocarpus, Elaeocarpus. Red clay soil. Growing on bank above stream. Morphology: Epiphytic orchid growing on small tree at3m to 10m. Inflorescence pendulous, 20 cm long. Outer tepals translucent yellow, base bright yellow, lip white, columnella brown. Occasional. Local name: Notes: Church, A.C., Rachman, |. »Ruskandi, A. 2587 Thursday, October 19, 1995 HERBARIUM BOGORIENSE HARVARD UNIVERSITY HERBARIA ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN INBURGH il | | 00261519 (
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