OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN DINBURGH E G E00261383 ll lt ci FLORA OF THAILAND EUPHORBIACEAE Antidesma velutinosum Blume Det.: Peter van Welzen Satun: Khuan Don District: Wang Prachan Subdistrict. Thale Ban National Park. Near Park headquarters. 160 m altitude. 6.712° N, 100.170° E Evergreen forest on sandy soil. Treelet 2 m tall. Inflorescences pale green. Fruit green, tinged red. David Middleton, Voradol Chamchamroon, Stuart Lindsay, Kanlaya Pattarahirankanok & Sukontip Sirimongkol 4138 08 March 2006 FOREST HERBARIUM BANGKOK ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN HERBARIUM Collected with financial support from the United States Nat ional Science F ‘ou the Arnold Arboretum of Ha tvard University ‘ation administered through Meee564 so] ro e o n o het Ho = 3 ES roy re) °o
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