OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN INBURGH Plants of Indonesia Annonaceae Alphonsea sp. Determined by: Ismail 12/97 Locality: Borneo. Kalimantan Barat. Ketapang. Gunung Palung National Park, Cabang Panti Research Site. Trail SC Lat.: 1o 13 ' aS Long.: 1100 6' cane Habitat Alt. 25 m Lowland mixed dipterocarp forest on sandstone deriv ed soils. ii Morphology: Tree 15 m tall, 18 cm dbh. Bark yellowish-tan, lenti , lenticel Inner bark pale orange. Flowers: Calyx green, eee a. greenish-yellow, anthers pink, stigma pale green. ak Local name: Notes: photo, DNA T. G. Laman, Ismail A. Rachman, Edi Mirmanto TL683 Sunday, March 09, 1997 HERBARIUM BOGORIENSE & HARVARD UNIVERSITY HERBARIA MQ00589 ao] o a i o 7) c aed Ho Bd — Pa) Qa ° oO
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