OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00626564 HERB. HORT. EDINB. Flora of Belize re clam eee Costaceae Costus pulverulentus C.Presl BELIZE: Cayo District: San Pastor Savanna, Chiquibul Forest Reserve. Swamp area (approximately 3 hectares), within middle to north-west part of savanna (s.S.). Surrounded by ferns (JH 86) and Heliconia sp. 637 m. 16°40'19.8"N, 88°58'41.3"W. Herb, (with strong stem). 3m high, inflorescence: tip yellow, turning orange at base. Moist soil, dark brown. Uncommon Hicks, Jeff R No. 85 16 May 2007 103 ht reserved copyrig
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