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i | | On [>> ay copyright reserved Flora of Belize Bignoniaceae Crescentia cujete L. BELIZE: Cayo District: San Pastor Savanna, Chiquibul Forest Reserve. Centre part of Savanna. Within a clearing, apparently where loggers piled logs seven years ago. Full sun, 50-100m from gallery forest. 690 m. 16°40'16"N, 88°58'54.8"W. Tree. 5m high x 6m wide, 15cm DBH. Open, spreading canopy, resembling calabash observed at Hill Bank Research Station (Orange | Walk, Belize). Sandy loam Rare ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN : t EDINBURGH Hicks, Jeff R No. 62 } | | | 7 een - 11 May 2007 [ E00387542
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