OCR text
1 | ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00683982 HERB. HORT. EDINB. Flora of Belize Melastomataceae Conostegia icosandra Urb. BELIZE: Cayo District: San Pastor Savanna, Chiquibul Forest Reserve. Savanna, on south west side. Engulfed by cutting grass. 687 m. 16° 40'50.9"N, 88°58'27"W. Tree. 3m high x 2m wide, 4cm DBH. White inflorescences. Hard, dry clay soil Infrequent Hicks, Jeff R No. 57 9 May 2007 xo} 7) 2 I ) 7) = a <= = iS > a ° oO
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