OCR text
co] Ce > ra oF Q | oe See a = | a a > 2 ° (om FLORA OF BRITISH ISLES. No. /@.202 Name: Pistleniann A RUneennes ie subsp. qpactwvrelens DE Mayer rl : Levu Locality: 4 “%G Ge and 2s / ss Notes Pini tone e nae a oo a the ; ; fare. ; ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Asplenium trichomanes L. : . — SD fulleages Ber 5 fern +} { EDINBURG! . | iii ssp. quadrivalens D. E, MEYER emend. LOVIS Anti tanh a li i | Collector: M. McCALLUM WEBSTER. Date 6° 7- ge > E00254249 i J. D. Lovis determinavit JDL
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