OCR text
Asplenium trichomanes L, ssp. trichomanes J. D. Lovis determinavit ' : he ROYAL L BOTANIC G © ARDEN i ‘ i I 0025417 ll ROYAL BOTANIC GAR wn _E002544 177 i ie | se} o ra a r 2 br = feu 5 roy ° fs) Df lle es Wee Re oA lei i a YL MM an Re £00254172 as ers ROYAL BOTANIC. GARDEN» SOT : Le : - 7. | A Gos Gotoh om and eS) ata + i a il i Weibel ta, eae | / : E00254 a ) Leen ‘hd aa UA A EL GOWER COLLECTION. E00254174 Purchased 1896, ROYAL, EDIRGURG mil Asplenium trichomanes L. ssp. quadrivalens D. E. MEYER emend. LovIs J. D. Lovis determinavit
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