OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN gu Paratype Caddeetroliin De epi rdidnre v Cdigk. (274 EX HERB: HORT. BOT. REG. KEW. ! Ricsdochenctran Ootr Cees2~ fiuryten. Kort No. $22 ee (£43 WM Detet Valley. 28 22 N, 96 S57. E.. Alt. 22-12000 ft. Just coming into flower in open places and amongst bamboo patches on the ridge leading up to the main divide... It grows only in’ exposed positions, the more Sheltered places along the ridge at the same altitude being occupied by the dark Sanguineum 8240. Flowers purple. 30/5/28. Now further out. It grows socially, the branches radiating out from the centre, and ascending to a height of 12-18 inches. Forming a compact stocky bushlet. Flowers in threes. Pedicel, calyx and corolla lepidote, the latter in narrow bands down the lobes. The margin of the calyx is fringed with hairs and the corolla is pubescent as well as lepidote outside; inside it has tufts of hairs at the bases of the lobes, just above the inward turned honey secreting flange, corresponding to tufts of hair just above the base of each filament. Ovary densely lepidote, st le glabrous, anthers chocolate. Leaves strongly aromatic, densely lepidote on both surfaces, green overlain with silvery scales above, rusty yellow below. The flower colour recalls many of the Lapponicum rhododendrons being sheer £ e 3 geegit, purple. 23/5/28. Ward 622 MQ@Q0589 xe) co) Pad he ) n ® = ad = i ‘= > 2 ° oO
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