OCR text
HERB. HORT. EDINB. | MQQQ322 I co] i) Ps s co ao ci) = — oS i :~ > ro} ° S) Romulea bubhocoelitren (L.) Seb. & Maw. Stephen L. Jury June 2010 Centre for Plant Diversi 1 ty&s i The University of Reading etc HERB. HORT. BOT. REG. EDIN. See FLORA OF MOROCCO Romulea High Atlas, above Tizi-n-Tichka. 2300 m. Mainly moist or shaded sites on rocky slopes. Pale violet; white throat. 2 May 1982 Coll. J.C. Archibald ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN J.W. Blanchard EDINBURGH J.W. Bie : IA aon Lae £00245725
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