OCR text
HERB. HORT. EDINB. Me@OS5b64 Plants of Indonesia Euphorbiaceae Antidesma pendulum Hook.f. copyright reserved Determined by: A.C. Church 8/95 Locality: Borneo. W. Kalimantan. Serawai. 8 Km NE of Desa Jelundung, Batu Lintang. 1 km SE of camp, environs surrounding bank of S. Serawai. Lat.: O°CMNso 579" Ss Long: dt2 Ce co" 71° £E Habitat Alt. 150 m Mixed Dipterocarp forest, associates include: Dipterocarpus, Artocarpus, Alstonia. Shorea, Morphology: Small tree 4 m. Bark brown. Leaves 45 cm x 25 cm. Inflorescence pendulous, 35 cm long. Fruit Pinkish-reg Local name: Notes: Church, A.C., Mahyar, U.W. ,Afriastini 1704 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Thursday, February 02, 1995 0 HERBARIUM BOGORIENSE HARVARD UNIVERSITY E00028844 HERBARIA
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