OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN wn. EX HERBARIO M.F.Gardner & S.G.Knees FLORA OF CHILE Diostea juncea (Gill. & Hook.) Miers. Region: de la Araucania; Prov. Malleco. 25 kms along road from Curacautin to Termas de Tolhuaca. Well vegetated roadside verge with Nothofagus. 800m 38 2545mew SO" IW Lax shrub, openly branched with white flowers tinged violet-blue on lobes. M.F. Gardner & C.N. Page 5017 14 February 1992 FINALE TTA TTT coe o > | = ® 1?) ) a ie tS = a > | 2 ° a)
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