OCR text
penmiesay }yuBUAdOO ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH Ta HERB. HORT. EDINB. A 2 j ~ Pv ie Flora of Gabon Acanthaceae Thomandersia butayei De Wild. Det: Pardoel, S.A. 20 March 2006 Ogooué-Maritime, Loango National Park, Road from Iguela to Tassi, c. 20 km south of Iguela. 2°02" S,9°25'26" E Alt: 25m S Tree 1.5 m high. Corolla yellowish. Associated materials: DNA sample. Collector: Harris, D.J. 8228 With: Mouandza Mbembo, J C.; Walters, G.M. 25 April 2005 Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (E)
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