OCR text
pensaseas }yBiAdoo HOUNANIGA Naauvo DINVLOG TVAOU Horecafeecctn:..., Wane IDocARPus 7 nae us ee Da 5a — abi Ps Det. T. A. Sprague Me) CCL LD... 1906 SOCOTRA. Feb. _Mareh, 1880. . ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN eros | TT E00239578
or= NW -\-1-9 Ble] o) BLVe (eye) pS CO leTs (i (ar: | Naduvo SINVLOG TVAOU & i. : Lp, a Det. T. A. Sprague QRZ, 1906 « eee — RE Aart ayes oriatat's GI tess. SOCOTRA. k Comm. Prof. Bayley Balfour, Aug., 1880. Feb.—March, 1880. AcriDocARPUS socoreANUS Ohw. Fide S Neicdimg wn / frorvyind. lll ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN il E wi 00239578
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet