OCR text
in foawt Lae. | VESTS ; Vprrapee <n fonnal of Sota: ~/ (9OOC, fe. #200, 2O3. Det. T. A. Sprague SOCOTRA. Feb.—March, 1880. Comm. Prof. Bayley Balfour, Aug., 1880. 2/2 BERIDOCARPUS SOCOTRANUS | Oxy. Fide NY : in OF (Mebpix:) 165 (1948) ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN NNN 4 E00239577 copyright reserved
LoceeD, locan/ias tocoteanus, Hip ton, foot ae fe, 2% LABS ; Jperapee oe Jornal of Sota. 7 (900, ~~. #00, 2O3. ’ Det. T. A. Sprague PELL A 2, 1926 ASS DP fxs | Fyrd ( { O4 EE feripocARPus secoTRanus Obiy. SOCOTRA. Feb—March, 1880. Fide Ye climyu in [flog ser Comm. Prof. Bayley Balfour, Aug., 1880. f, Meehpig “3 Fags “C993 272, 7 Ce oa: i ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN RG! i Eo00239
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Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet