OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN i NNN wi E£00280733 Ul Oe ae cap labem Det. D. F. Chamberlain Muy 07 Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh Sino-British Qinghai Alpine Garden Society Expedition Ericaceae Rhododendron nivale x Rhododendron capitatum CHINA: Sichuan: Top of Pass (Gonggan Len) from Jiuzhaigou to Songpan, west-side. Steep hillside with scrub cover, and (wet) grassland. 3,400-3,600 m. 33°00'46"N, 103°42'53"E. Evergreen shrub to 1 m. Leaves ovate to elliptic-ovate, pale green and densely covered with brown scales below, dark green above. Flowers lavender-blue. Style purplish. Stigma dark purple. Anthers reddish brown; filaments white becoming pale purplish. Associated material: Herb. - flower (HNWP); Herb. - flower (GB); Herb. - flower (WSY). Det. Chamberlain, David F. 06 MAR 2001 Rhododendron nivale x Rhododendron capitatum Sino-British Qinghai Al pine Garden Society Expediti (SQAE) No. 521 sii 30 JUN 2000 Meee589 xo} o Pad - o no Kd et ao Do 5 rod fe) Oo
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet