OCR text
ee a | Nee ies <a ~ HERB. HORT. EDINB. ey o Ps oe m7 = Od 'S D = > <i ° co) HERBARIUM WANARISET c EAST KALIMANTAN, INDONESIA... ~ (FLORA OF CENTRAL KALIMANTAN) pidayasa jek. iS Ard fan Zi 2985 13 Apr 2004 Oleaceae Chionanthus sp. Detby.: Sidiyasa, kK. 2004 East Kalimantan, Sungai Wa in Protecte Forest, km 15 Balikpapan - 2 Samarinda. hate O8"S Long 116° So uE Alt. 10m ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN INUIULN NN Disturbed forest. (behind village) Smeliieree 10 m tal pale yellow. ee et Flower ee
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet