OCR text
i iH — ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN OT HERB. HORT. EDINB. Flora of Nepal Rhododendron campylocarpum Hook. f. Ericaceae Nepal: Eastern Development Region: Sagarmatha: Solu Khumbu: Bhote Koshi Valley: Thesiyo: trail from Namche Bazar to Thamo, near Thesiyo Latitude: 27° 49' 2" N Longitude: 86° 41'11" E Altitude: 3430 m NW-facing slope Large shrub to 5m; flowers primrose yellow Deciduous woodland with scattered Abies spectabilis and Juniperus recurva Collector No. DNEP1 67 Collection Date: 10 May 2004 First Darwin Nepal Fieldwork Training Expedition M.F.Watson, K.R.Rajbhandari, D.Knott, A.G.Miller, B.Adhikari, K.Maden V.Manandhar, R.Uprety j Building Capacity for Plant Biodiversity, Inventory and \ \ Conservation in Nepal. Darwin Initiative Project (162/12/030) |<. MQ@QQ589 se] ‘ > — ® ” 2 bo F hi 7 > roy ) 3)
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