OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN iw L HERBARIUM WANARISET EAST KALIMANTAN, INDONESIA (FLORA OF EAST KALIMANTAN) Ambriansyah AA. 2508 1 Mar 2002 Annonacaaa Ay owes Detby.: Ambriansyah Mar 2002 Qu je 200% Gunung Meratus PT.ITCI Balik seberang. +*Ppapan ee Primary forest. Small tree 7 m.tall, 10 i straight, circular, column snmeter, Bole blackish- fibrous, Ripe fruit ~ “——e yellowish-white, flower whit lah oven 5 Ti. To iY > | Sees o 77) e a o£ DS = > Qa ° o MQQ0589
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet