OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN AM 00229329 HERB. HORT. EDINB. Flora of Nepal Rhododendron setosum D. Don Ericaceae Nepal: Eastern Development Region: Sagarmatha: Solu Khumbu: Imja Khola Valley: Yaren: seasonal settlement SE of Pangboche Latitude: 27° 51' 16" N Altitude: 3930 m Longitude: 86° 47' 44" £ N-facing slope Dwarf shrubland above river; shrub to 60cm; corolla pinkish purple Dwarf Rhododendron shrubland with scattered Betula utilis and Abies spectabilis Collector No. DNEP1 222 Collection Date: 21 May 2004 First Darwin Nepal Fieldwork Training Expedition M.F.Watson, K.R.Rajbhandari, D.Knott, A.G.Miller, B.Adhikari, K.Maden, V.Manandhar, R.Uprety Building Capacity for Plant Biodiversity, Inventory and WW Conservation in Nepal. Darwin Initiative Project (162/12/030) 5) INITATIVE Pr Se ok) 4 GARDEN EDINBURGH
HERB. HORT. EDINB. MQ@GQ@589 Flora of Nepal Rhododendron setosum D. Don Ericaceae xo} ® Pa 1“ o n o be = on} = h a) 2 ° tS) Nepal: Eastern Development Region: Sagarmatha: Solu Khumbu: Imja Khola Valley: Yaren: seasonal settlement SE of Pangboche Latitude: 27° 51' 16" N Longitude: 86° 47' 44" £ Altitude: 3930 m N-facing slope Dwarf shrubland above river; shrub to 60cm; corolla pinkish purple Dwarf Rhododendron shrubland with scattered Betula utilis and Abies spectabilis Collector No. DNEP1 222 Collection Date: 21 May 2004 First Darwin Nepal Fieldwork Training Expedition ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN M.F.Watson, K.R.Rajbhandari, D.Knott, A.G.Miller, B Adhikari, K.Maden, EDINBURGH V.Manandhar, R.Uprety IMM Wh ll | IM ll Building Capacity for Plant Biodiversity, Inventory and WW Conservation in Nepal. Darwin Initiative Project (162/12/030) a E00229329 DARWI INITIATIVE
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet