OCR text
~ ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN i E00228067 a ee Aue Weegee > LS BES 19499y ye x-rite " i tility xo] ® > SS ® o ®o a a7 <= oe re Py a fe} oO SEE SPIRIT COLLECTION \ ] ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH (E£) Collected from RBGE living collections. Coll. No.: 1454 Date: 27 April 2006 Amomum uliginosum J. Konig Family: Zingiberaceae Garden colector: Newman, M.F. & Skorniékova, J. RBGE Acc. Number & Qualifier: 20001423 A Garden location: G65 Garden description: Inflorescence few flowered. Corola lobes white, labellum prominently bowl shaped, with yellow strip at the centre and red line on each side of yellow strip. Anther crest well developed, middle part bilobed and recurved, side lobes horn-like shaped. Associated material: Liquid collection (E) Grown on from original wild collection: THAILAND: Trang: Khao Chong National Park:Trang. Herbarium collection D.J.Middleton 361. Newman, M.F. s.n.; 9 July 2000
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet