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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN wc HERB. HORT. EDINB. ies EISSaH 18499y Ke x-rite . a SEE SPIRIT COLLECTION ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH (EB) Collected from RBGE living collections. Coll. No.: 1460 Date: 30 April 2006 Amomum sp.(testaceum aff.) Family: Zingiberaceae Living collection info: Garden colector: Newman, M.F. & Skomitkova, Je RBGE Acc. Number & Qualifier: 19972571 A Garden location: G65 Garden description: Inflorescence rather sessile, bracts creamy, dry-papery, corolla lobes white, labellum white with deep yellow cntre strip, linked by red on both sides. Anther white, anther crest three lobed, side lobes horn-shaped. Associated material: Liquid collection (E) copyright reserved Grown on from original wild collection: PHILIPPINES: Mindoro: Mindoro Oriental: Barangay Lantuyang: Mt. Halcon, ca. 1200 m. Fruit re escence. Royal Botanic ae re ny. SSCED arden Edinburgh-Philippine National Herbarium Expedition 1997 HAL60. 15. March 1997 Note: there seem to be mistake either in numbers while planting or in orig. field description as Amomum has inflorescence radical
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