OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN i HERB. HORT. EDINB. Recorded for Flora of Nepal by Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh wwwfloraofnepal.org Flora of Nepal Rhododendron nivale Hook. f. Ericaceae Nepal: Eastern Development Region: Sagarmatha: Solu Khumbu: Dudh Koshi Valley: Machherma: Machherma Khola valley W of village Latitude: 27° 54' 11" N Altitude: 4400 m Longitude: 86° 42' 52" £ Hanging U-shaped glacial valley Sandy areas between boulders in glacial moraine; low shrub to 10cm; flowers blue-purple; filament pink, anthers brown Mosaic of Rhododendron shrubland and grazed turf with flushes fo Collector No. DNEP1 167 Collection Date: 15 May 2004 First Darwin Nepal Fieldwork Training Expedition M.F.Watson, K.R.Rajbhandari, D.Knott, A.G.Miller, B.Adhikari V.Manandhar, R.Uprety i Building Capacity for Plant Biodiversity, Inventory and W Conservation in Nepal. Darwin Initiative Project (162/1 2/030) RARW AY copyright reserved MQQQ@589
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet