OCR text
EX HERB. GREVILLE. | \ = 1. x A > ce St 7 Nj &\ BA YES ¥, \ , “e ? o 7 < AA 2 Oe Od dee, £ oot ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN oF as in 0 ess Ny MITEL ROYAL . BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH im copyright reserved O OP PEP CEL rae eo 49 BO? Siege Me Q ISOTYPE | Séentece¢ s02P , of amano ervlluunn Aas Mesure, MOK: ROvATEDINGURGH rues Gon ie wmagyiingnnn ae NeW cees MN Ot ps nines intense are ammeter 32 ISOTYPE oMesinaiguen Wesscsiam (Hala Cr) | LA, ii ae ; Jie itetetetihedty LOtbttCe OLA Lee ELE ; a eee ES: PEM Seg ee dk Sj Ful, Gh E. heh) ee / aie.
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet