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a aes eee rete ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH yy iqquun HERB. HORT. EDINB. ROYAL FLORA OF THAILAND copyright reserved SCROPHULARIACEAE? Ninos ma “yavanica (lume) kgord. Det: Yani Mddlalan Phetchaburi: Kaeng Krachan District: Kaeng Krachan National Park. On steep slope down from road on the way to Phanoen Thung Ranger Substation. 560 m altitude. 12° 48° N, 99° 24° B Primary evergreen forest. On bank of small stream. Herb. All parts pale green. David Middleton, Chandee Hemrat, Stuart Lindsay, Somran Suddee & Suwat Suwanachat 3325 09 May 2005 FOREST HERBARIUM BANGKOK ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH VERSITY OF MICHIGAN HERBARIUM Collected with financial support from the United States National Science Foundation administered through the Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University nT
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