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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN hl ED | Eoo1 BU RGH 65 wi HERB. HORT. EDINB. Mee@e589 | wy FLORA OF TURKEY Nezahat Gokyigit Botanik Bahcesi & Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh copyright reserved Family: Ericaceae = INITIATIVE Rhododendron ponticum L. Locality: North-east Anatolia. A8: Artvin; Hatila Forest Reserve beside the Bas_ River. 41°10'39.2"N 041°42'34.6"E. 600 m. Habitat: Damp forested gorge with Acer cappadocicum, Alnus glutinosa, Hedera colchica, Rhododendron ponticum and Picea orientalis. Description: Shrub to 2 m tall. Date: 26th September 2005. Turkish Darwin Initiative (TUDI): No 64. Leg: B.Guner, S.Knees, M.Gardner, P.Jones S.Celik, |.Guiner, G.Eksi, B.Kusoglu. , D.Luscombe,
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